Best Games To Play With Family Without Anything (Nothing Needed To Play)

Family game nights and gatherings are a great way to bond and create lasting memories with loved ones. Whether it’s a rainy day or an evening at home, playing games together is a fun way to pass the time and enjoy each other’s company. There are countless games to choose from, but some of the best options for family game night are classic games that have been enjoyed for generations.

Best Games To Play With Family Without Anything (Nothing Needed To Play)

From guessing games to drawing challenges, these timeless games are sure to keep everyone entertained and engaged. No further looking for fun games to play with your family and friends without needing any equipment, here you will get all best options.

Here are 20 great options that are sure to provide hours of entertainment:

  1. Charades – Act out words or phrases without speaking.
  2. Pictionary – Draw clues for others to guess.
  3. Twenty Questions – One person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and the others ask yes or no questions to try to guess it.
  4. Hangman – One person thinks of a word and the others guess letters until they solve the puzzle.
  5. I Spy – One person picks an object and others guess what it is based on clues.
  6. Telephone – Whisper a message from person to person and see how it changes by the end.
  7. Categories – Pick a category, such as animals or countries, and take turns naming items in that category until someone can’t think of any more.
  8. Storytelling – Take turns adding a sentence to a story, building it together.
  9. The Alphabet Game – Choose a category, such as food or animals, and take turns naming items in that category starting with each letter of the alphabet.
  10. Never Have I Ever – Take turns saying things you’ve never done, and those who have done them must take a drink.
  11. Truth or Dare – Take turns asking each other either a question that must be answered truthfully or a dare to be completed.
  12. Would You Rather – Take turns asking each other which of two options they would prefer.
  13. The Name Game – Pick a name and take turns saying words that start with each letter of that name.
  14. Simon Says – Follow the leader’s commands, but only if they start with “Simon says.”
  15. Red Light, Green Light – One person is “it” and calls out “red light” or “green light.” Players must stop or go accordingly.
  16. Duck, Duck, Goose – One person is “it” and taps others’ heads, saying “duck” until they tap someone and say “goose.” The “goose” must chase “it” around the circle and try to tag them.
  17. Marco Polo – One person is “it” and closes their eyes, calling out “Marco.” Others respond “Polo” and the “it” person must find them by sound.
  18. Mother May I? – One person is the “mother” and others ask permission to take steps forward with certain conditions.
  19. Hot Potato – Pass a small object around the circle as fast as possible until someone drops it.
  20. The Laughing Game – Take turns telling jokes or funny stories, trying to make each other laugh.

The Best Games To Play With Family Without Anything

These games are perfect for family game nights, road trips, or any time you want to have some fun without needing any equipment. So gather your family member and get ready to play!

The Best Games To Play With Family Without Anything


Charades is a game where one person acts out a word or phrase without speaking, and the others try to guess what it is. The person who is acting may use gestures, facial expressions, and body language to convey the word or phrase.

The other players must try to guess the word or phrase as quickly as possible, and the person who guesses correctly gets to act out the next word or phrase. The goal is to see how many words or phrases you can guess correctly before time runs out.


Pictionary is a game where one person draws a picture and the others try to guess what it is. The person who is drawing may not speak or write any words or letters. The other players must try to guess the word or phrase as quickly as possible.

The person who guesses correctly gets to draw the next picture. The goal is to see how many words or phrases you can guess correctly before time runs out.

Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions is a game where one person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and the others ask yes or no questions to try to guess what it is. The person who is thinking of the thing may only answer “yes” or “no” to each question.

The other players must try to guess the thing as quickly as possible, and the goal is to see how quickly you can guess the thing in 20 questions or less.


Hangman is a game where one person thinks of a word and draws blanks for each letter. The other players must guess letters one at a time, trying to fill in the blanks to guess the word.

If a player guesses a letter that is not in the word, the person drawing the hangman adds a body part to the hanging man. The goal is to guess the word before the hanging man is complete.

I Spy

I Spy is a game where one person starts and picks an object and gives a clue about it, such as its color or shape and the other players must guess what it is based on the clue. The goal is to see how many objects you can guess correctly before time runs out.


Telephone is a game where one person whispers a message to the person next to them, who then whispers it to the next person, and so on. The message gets passed along until it reaches the last person, who says it out loud. The goal is to see how much the message changes from the beginning to the end.


Categories is a game where one person picks a category, such as animals or countries, and the others take turns naming items in that category. Each person must name a new item, and cannot repeat an item that has already been named. The goal is to see how many items you can name before time runs out.


Storytelling is a game where each person takes turns adding a sentence to a story. The goal is to create a fun and entertaining story together as a group.

The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game is a game where one person picks a category, such as food or animals, and the others take turns naming items in that category starting with each letter of the alphabet.

Each person must name a new item, and cannot repeat an item that has already been named. The goal is to see how many items you can name before reaching the end of the alphabet.

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is a game where each person takes turns saying things they have never done. Those who have done the thing must take a drink. The goal is to learn new things about each other and have fun.

Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is a game where each person takes turns asking either a question that must be answered truthfully or a dare to be completed. The goal is to have fun and learn new things about each other.

Would You Rather

Would You Rather is a game where each person takes turns asking which of two options they would prefer. The goal is to have fun and learn new things about each other.

The Name Game

The Name Game is a game where one person picks a name and the others take turns saying words that start with each letter of that name. The goal is to see how many words you can name before time runs out.

Simon Says

Simon Says is a game where one person gives commands, such as “Simon says touch your toes.” The other players must follow the commands, but only if they start with “Simon says.” If a command is given without, “Simon says,” and a player follows it, they are out. The goal is to be the last person standing.

Red Light, Green Light

Red Light, Green Light is a game where one person is “it” and calls out “red light” or “green light.” Players must stop or go accordingly. The goal is to be the first person to reach “it.”

Duck, Duck, Goose

Duck, Duck, Goose is a game where one person is “it” and taps others’ heads, saying “duck” until they tap someone and say “goose.” The “goose” must chase “it” around the circle and try to tag them. The goal is to be the first person to tag “it.”

Marco Polo

Marco Polo is a game where one person is “it” and closes their eyes, calling out “Marco.” Others respond “Polo” and the “it” person must find them by sound. The goal is to be the last person standing.

Mother May I?

Mother May I? is a game where one person is the “mother” and others ask permission to take steps forward with certain conditions. The goal is to reach the end of the course first.

Hot Potato

Hot Potato is a game where players pass a small object around the circle as fast as possible until someone drops it. The goal is to not be the last person holding the object.

The Laughing Game

The Laughing Game is a game where each person takes turns telling jokes or funny stories, trying to make each other laugh. The goal is to have fun and laugh together as a family.

If you are playing with your kids then you must see these games.


What is a game you can play without anything? 

You can play any game from these games without anything or equipment: Charades, Twenty Questions, Categories, Storytelling, The Name Game, Simon Says, Red Light, Green Light, Duck, Duck, Goose, Marco Polo, and Mother May I?

Which game does not need any materials? 

These are the games that does not need any materials to play: Categories, Storytelling, The Name Game, Charades, Twenty Questions, Simon Says, Red Light, Green Light, Duck, Duck, Goose, Marco Polo, and Mother May I?

What games can you play when you have nothing?

Here are the games options when you have nothing to play: Charades, Pictionary, Duck, Goose, Marco Polo, and Mother May I?, Twenty Questions, Hangman, I Spy, Telephone, Categories, Storytelling, The Alphabet Game, Never Have I Ever, Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, The Name Game, Simon Says, Red Light, Green Light, Duck.

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