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Charge is a popular hand game typically played in schools and among friends. In the Charge Hand Game, the players use their hands to perform various gestures or actions, and others must do the same. The game is known for its fun and engaging nature, which has made it a favorite among children and young adults.

Charge Hand Game

Charge is a popular hand game typically played in schools and among friends. In the Charge Hand Game, the players use their hands to perform various gestures or actions, and others must do the same. The game is known for its fun and engaging nature, which has made it a favorite among children and young

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Players attempt to think of a word in each of the categories listed on their sheet, starting with the letter on the die. Answers must begin with the letter of the Scattergories die. Articles (A/An/The) are not counted as the beginning letter. Instead, the letter of the word that immediately follows the article will be the letter that counts.

Scattergories Alliteration Rules

In Scattergories, players can earn additional points for alliteration by naming multiple words in the same category. Alliteration is seen when a player’s answer consists of multiple words that all start with the round’s major letter.  For example, if the letter is “M” and the category is “TV Show,” the answer “Mickey Mouse” would score two points, and “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisey” would score three points because of the answer

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