About the Laugh Out Loud Game (Rules and Shop Now!)

Laugh Out Loud is also known as the laughing game is a hilarious party game designed for players who enjoy laughter, creative thinking, and sharp logical thinking. This game is designed for family game nights with kids & adults in mind. In the play, the players tell jokes, answer juicy questions, do dares, and try to just not laugh.

The Laugh Out Loud Game for Families and Adults
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The Laugh Out Loud Game

In this game, you need 3 to 6 players (or more if you’d like) and a Laugh Out Loud game deck or components set. The players take turns picking up prompt cards and telling the jokes or questions written on the cards. The other players respond to the given questions, jokes, or perform dares. 

The game involves taking turns being the “joker” or the person trying to make others laugh (the performing player's goal is to do his best to make other participants laugh and pass his turn to them).

However, while a player in turn tells the joke, all other players must avoid laughing in response to the jokes and hold their laugh. However, if a player laughs during their turn, other players can buzz them out of the game using the buzzer. 

The player who can maintain their face without laughing for the longest time wins the round. The game aims to encourage laughter and enjoyment by challenging players to come up with clever and witty responses to various prompts.

Laugh Out Loud Game Components

The Laugh Out Loud game includes 120 prompt cards, 50 ‘LOL’ tokens, a buzzer, a die, a sand timer, a scorekeeping system, and batteries. The prompt cards feature open-ended scenarios or questions designed to prompt humorous responses from the players.

The Laugh Out Loud game includes 120 prompt cards, 50 ‘LOL’ tokens, a buzzer, a die, a sand timer, a scorekeeping system, and batteries. The prompt cards feature open-ended scenarios or questions designed to prompt humorous responses from the players.
  • 120 prompt cards: These cards contain various challenges, jokes, and dares.
  • 50 “LOL” tokens: These tokens represent laughter points.
  • Buzzer: A button buzzer that players can press.
  • Dice: Used for additional gameplay elements.
  • Sand timer: Sets the time limit for each round.
  • 2 AA Batteries: The required batteries for the electronic buzzer.

How to Play the Laugh Out Loud

To start the game, players gather around a table with the prompt cards lying in the center. One player acts as the person in charge, or Joker, and picks a prompt card, and reads it aloud in front of the group. The other players then have a limited amount of time to come up with their funniest response to the prompt.

Once the time is up, each player presents their response, and the group collectively decides which response is the most fun to watch. The player with the most amusing response earns a point. The moderator role switches regularly to the next person, and all you need to win is to maintain a straight face throughout the game.

Alternatively, the game continues with new prompt cards until a specific winning score is reached (you have to decide the score points before the game starts), but the scoring system is not compulsory for the game, you can add it for more fun.

Laugh Out Loud Game Instructions

To play Professor Puzzle’s Laugh Out Loud game, gather 3 to 6 players, in which each player takes turns drawing prompt cards and must tell jokes, answer juicy questions, and perform dares without laughing. The objective is to maintain a straight face throughout the game, and if someone fails, they may take cards and play the next turn as the joker or moderator.

In the Laugh Out Loud game, you tell jokes, do dares, and tell funny stories while your opponents try to stop you from playing. The game has 120 prompt cards, 50 LOL tokens, a buzzer, dice, a sand timer, and a set of batteries.

The game involves taking turns being the “joker” or the person trying to make others laugh (the performing player’s goal is to do his best to make other participants laugh and pass his turn to them). The joker picks a prompt card and has a limited time, usually 30 seconds, to perform the action or tell the joke and make everyone else laugh. Wherever a player laughs during their turn, other players can buzz them out of the game using the buzzer. The player who can maintain their face straight without laughing for the longest time wins the game.

The Laugh Out Loud Rules

To play the game, gather a group of people you want to play with, whether it’s two people or a larger group. Explain the rules of the game to everyone, emphasizing the main rule that no one is allowed to use words or touch anyone else. The goal is to make others laugh through actions, expressions, and gestures only.

One Joker in Turn

Before the game begins, select one person as the “joker” or the person trying to make others laugh. Only the Joker will be actively trying to make people laugh at a given time, and all other players will try to maintain a straight face.

Avoid Physical Contact

While playing the game, all participants have to avoid physical contact with others while attempting to make them laugh. This includes touching, tickling, or any form of physical interaction.

Try to Maintain Respect

While the Laugh Out Loud game is all about laughter and fun, and it is important to maintain respect. Try to encourage participants to avoid actions that may be offensive or hurtful to others. Any kind of behavior that crosses the line into harassment or bullying should be strictly avoided.

Keep It With a Light Heart

At every stage of the game, participants must remember that the Laugh Out Loud game is meant to be enjoyable and fun. Additionally, it encourages creativity and silliness but discourages anything that could be harmful, offensive, or overly competitive.

Avoid Dangerous Actions

It is necessary to keep in mind that no dangerous or potentially harmful actions should be taken to make others laugh. The safety of everyone is supposed to always be a top priority, so avoid actions that could cause harm to the participants.


In the Laugh Out Loud game, you tell jokes, do dares, and tell funny stories while your opponents try to stop you from playing. The game has 120 prompt cards, 50 LOL tokens, a buzzer, dice, a sand timer, and a set of batteries.

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