In the game of Risk, players can earn cards by capturing territories during their turns. These cards can be traded in for additional armies at the beginning of subsequent turns. The value of a card to be traded in depends on how many sets of cards are exchanged. A player must trade in a three-card match for armies at the beginning of their next turn after drawing five cards. Each additional set exchanged for armies is worth five additional armies, with the number of troops gained increasing progressively with each trade.

In most U.S. editions of Risk, players must trade in sets immediately after gaining cards by wiping out a player to reduce the number of cards held to four or fewer. Territory cards correspond to the 42 territories on the board and are used to collect troops while playing the game. Players can also earn a bonus of two armies for each territory card they cash in if they set with one or more territories.
Risk card trade in values
The value of a three-card trade-in gains with each trade-in, starting at four armies for the first set, and increasing to six, eight, ten, twelve, and fifteen armies for the subsequent sets. Each additional set traded in is worth five more armies than the previous set, with the eighth set giving 25 armies.
The trade-in values for the Risk cards are as follows:
- First set traded in 4 armies
- Second set traded in 6 armies
- Third set traded in 8 armies
- Fourth set traded in 10 armies
- Fifth set traded in 12 armies
- Sixth set traded in 15 armies
- Seventh set traded in 20 armies
These values continue to increase with each subsequent set traded in.
How To Trade In Cards In Risk
To trade in cards, players must either have three cards with the same infantry, cavalry, or artillery icon, three cards with one of each icon, or two matching cards plus a wild card. Wild cards show all three icons and can be used to replace any missing card.
For example, five infantry can be traded in for one cavalry, or two cavalry can be traded in for one artillery. If any of the territories occupied are shown on one of the three cards, the player will receive an extra two armies, and both armies goes in the respective territory. In classic Risk, the value of a three-card trade-in goes up with each trade-in, reaching 30, 35, 40, and 45 troops.
Can you trade cards in risk?
In the board game Risk, players can earn cards by capturing territories and eliminating components from the game. When a player conquers at least one territory at the end of their turn, they receive a card. Additionally, if a player eliminates a component, they gain all the cards from that component.
How to get cards in risk?
Yes, players can trade in matched sets of cards in the board game Risk. If a player accumulates five or more cards, they can trade in a set of cards for armies at the beginning of their next turn. Additional sets exchanged for armies are also worth additional armies, with the number of troops gained increasing progressively with each trade.
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