Risk Europe Rules & Instructions

Risk Europe is a board game that offers a medieval conquest of Europe theme, complete with battle weapons, archers, and more to play with. The game is designed for 2 to 4 players aged 14 and above.

risk europe board game

How To Play Risk Europe Board Game

Risk Europe by Hasbro Gaming is a board game that allows players to take on the role of medieval monarchs, building castles and taxing subjects to dominate their opponents. The rules to play the game is to collect seven crowns or more before the end of a round, and players can earn these crowns by planning cities, taking over the opponent’s cities, or buying crown cards with cash.

At the start of the game, each player begins with an army, war banner, reminder card, and eight King Orders cards. They select an army color and take their plastic figures, war banners, reminder cards, and eight King Orders cards. Additionally, players receive five silver coins, one crown, and one castle. The remaining components are placed in a reserve next to the board.

The game is played by each player taking turns revealing and playing out two action cards from their top card. These cards can be used to take actions such as building castles, enrolling troops, or attacking opponents. The players are required to prepare their movements to collect the crowns to win the game.

The first player to collect seven or more crowns at the end of a round wins the game. Risk Europe is a fun and challenging game that requires strategic thinking and careful planning. Players must balance their desire to expand their territories with their need to defend against opponents’ attacks to come out on top.

Risk Europe Rules

The objective of Risk Europe is to conquer and control territories in Europe, accumulate victory points, and become the dominant power on the continent.

Here are the rules for Risk Europe:


  • Game board: Represents the map of Europe, divided into territories.
  • Armies: Each player controls armies consisting of foot soldiers, archers, cavalry, and siege engines.
  • Crowns: Used to track victory points.
  • Castles: Fortify territories and provide additional defense.
  • Dice: Red dice are used for combat.
  • King’s Order Cards: Provide special abilities and strategies.
  • City Bonus Tiles: Grant additional bonuses to players who control specific cities.
  • Gold and Silver Pieces: Used as currency.
  • War Banners: Represent a player’s influence and control over territories.
  • Crown Cards: Provide additional victory points.
  • Reminder Cards: Help players remember the game rules and special abilities.


  • Choose colors and receive armies and components based on the number of players.
  • Place the game board on the table and claim territories in a turn-based manner until all territories are occupied.
  • Add additional pieces to territories and shuffle Risk cards to form a draw pile.


  • Players take turns in a clockwise direction, starting with the player who rolled the highest during setup.
  • Each turn consists of three steps: placing new armies, attacking, and fortifying.

Placing Armies

  • At the beginning of their turn, players calculate the number of armies they can add to their territories based on the number of territories occupied and control of continents.
  • Players can also trade sets of Risk cards for additional armies.


  • After placing armies, players can choose to attack neighboring territories.
  • The attacking player declares the territory they are attacking and the number of troops involved.
  • The defending player rolls dice to defend their territory.
  • The outcome of the battle is determined by comparing the highest dice roll of the attacker with the highest dice roll of the defender.
  • Troops can be removed based on the results of the dice rolls.


  • After attacking, players can decide to move troops from one territory to another adjacent territory, they control.
  • This step is optional and can only be done once per turn.

Risk Cards

  • If a player successfully occupies a new territory during their turn, they draw a Risk card.
  • Sets of Risk cards can be traded for additional armies.

Winning the Game

The game continues until one player occupies all territories on the board and eliminates all opponents. The first player to take over seven of the Gold Crown Cities first wins the game.

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