About the Risk Strike Board Game (Rules & Instructions)

Risk Strike is a variation of the popular board game Risk, which features cards and dice in the play. In the game, players use tactics cards to send troops and fight against each other to take over territories and get coins for being in control. On average, a game of Risk Strike can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, making it a relatively quick and engaging game for 2–5 players ages 10 and up.

The Risk Strike Cards and Dice Game
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To play the Risk Strike card game, first set up the game with each player being given three continent cards face up and three tactics cards secretly. All the players then roll to see who goes first, with the player with the highest roll coming out on top. On each turn, players draw two cards and choose to fight or draw a third card of their choice. (Source: Hasbro Document)

The game of Risk Strike rules in the game scoring is based on the objective of being the first player to collect two domination coins. The players earn domination coins by collecting the right number of continent cards and defeating their opponents in battle. The domination coins serve as the primary scoring mechanism in the game, and the first player to achieve this objective is declared the winner. Additionally, players can also accumulate points throughout the game by strategically collecting continent cards and using tactics cards to outmaneuver their opponents.

If they choose to fight, they spend their tactics cards as troops or special abilities, then compare their highest and second highest dice to each opponent’s. The player who wins each die roll eliminates an enemy troop card in its place. Once an opponent has no troop cards left, the player can start taking their continent cards. The first player to collect two domination coins wins the battle.

Risk Strike Rules

The goal is to collect two domination coins, and the first player to achieve this objective wins the game. Risk Strike is a game that is suitable for players aged 10 and up. In Risk Strike, players collect continent cards and deploy them, like in rummy. Instead of moving pieces across a board, players declare battles, use tactics cards, and roll dice to resolve combat.

To play the Risk Strike card game, the game is set up with each player being dealt three continent cards face up and three tactics cards secretly. All the players then roll to see who goes first, with the player with the highest roll coming out on top.

To win the game of Risk Strike, a player must collect two domination coins. Domination coins are earned by conquering continents. Once a player has conquered a continent, they control all the territories within it, and they earn a domination coin. The first player to collect two domination coins wins the game.

How To Play Risk Strike

In Risk Strike, each player is dealt three continent cards and three tactics cards and then takes a roll to determine the starting player. On each turn, players draw cards and choose to fight or draw an additional card to play. During battles, players use tactics cards as troops or special abilities and roll dice to eliminate enemy troops. The goal is to collect two domination coins by dominating continents. The game ends when a player collects two domination coins, and that player is declared the winner.

In the Risk Strike card game, each player gets three continent cards and three tactics cards. A roll determines the starting player. On each turn, players draw cards and choose to either fight or draw another card.

Here are the rules for playing Risk Strike:


  • Shuffle the continent cards and deal 3 to each player.
  • Shuffle the tactics cards and place them face-down as a draw pile.
  • Each player takes a reference card and a set of domination coins of the same color.
  • Determine the starting player.


On a player’s turn, they draw two cards: two continent cards, two tactics cards, or one continent and one tactic card.

  • Declare an attack on a continent by placing one of your troops on it.
  • Deploy troops by placing them on any of your controlled continents.
  • Roll the dice to battle your opponents for the continent.
  • Use tactics cards to perform special actions, such as sabotage, bombardment, spying, etc.
  • Collect domination coins by completing a set of continent cards.
  • End your turn by drawing a tactics card.

Battle Resolution

  • Compare the total number rolled on the dice by the attacker and defender.
  • The highest roll wins the battle, and the losing player removes one troop from the continent.
  • If the attacker wins, they may place an additional troop on the continent.
  • If the defender wins, they may place an additional troop on the continent or take a tactics card from the attacker.

Tactics Cards

Tactics cards provide various strategic actions that players can use during battles or to disrupt opponents’ strategies. The players can add tactics cards to their hands, and continent cards are positioned face-up in front of them.

Attacking Territories

The player can either attack or pass after drawing, to attack, the player declares which continent they want to attack, deploys their troops, and rolls the dice. The player may attack any territory adjacent to their own during the attack phase.

Collecting Domination Coins

To collect a domination coin, a player must control all the territories of a continent. Once a player collects a complete set of continent cards, they claim a domination coin.

Winning the Game

In Risk Strike, the objective is to collect two complete sets of continents. You can achieve this by either drawing cards from your stockpile or by capturing continents from your opponent. You can also earn domination coins by defeating your opponents in battle. The winner is the first player to collect two domination coins. When a player has collected two dominance coins, they are declared the winners of the game.


In the game of Risk Strike, the scoring is based on the objective of being the first player to collect two domination coins. The players earn domination coins by collecting the right number of continent cards and defeating their opponents in battle. The domination coins serve as the primary scoring mechanism in the game, and the first player to achieve this objective is declared the winner.

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