Codenames is one of the word-based party games and is great with any group of friends or families. It collected the most popular prize, the 2016 Spiel DES James. This game has enjoyed such breathtaking success in a short time that already in America, establishments are selling cash-in ‘adult’ versions to the Cards Against Humanity generation.
The spymaster has the key for the words on the board and gives clues to his or her team, the field agents will try to guess the right words based on the hints. This game masterfully blends teamwork, intuition, and vocabulary skills.

Codenames Game Rules
In codenames, game, both team has one spymaster who gives a clue to help their teammates guess the right words. They can only use one word as a descriptor, and the number of tiles it refers to. Example: “Water, 3” might describe “pool”, “fish”, “bucket”. The aim of the game is to be the first team to guess all of your tiles.
Game Setup
This is a game meant for two teams, usually colored in red and blue. Each team shall have one spymaster and a group of field specialists. The spymasters sit on one side of the table, and the field specialists sit opposite of them. The game uses a grid of 25 word cards laid out face-up in a 5×5 pattern. There is only one word on each card, and these may range from basic nouns to a much broader selection of more complex terms.

The main goal of the game is for each team to identify their own “agents” from the grid based on clues given by their spymaster. The first team to successfully identify all their agents wins the game.
Giving Clues
The spymaster’s role is important, as they provide one-word clues to help their team guess the correct words. Each clue must be followed by a number. The number indicates how many words on the grid are related to the given clue. For example, if the spymaster says “Ocean, 2,” they may be playing at two words related to that clue, like “fish” and “wave.”
Taking Turns
The team takes turns making a guess from the clue given by the spymaster. They can only make suggestions based on the given number plus one additional guess, if they are sure. A turn is over when the team predictions are wrong, if they choose to stop guessing or if they reach the maximum number of guesses allowed.
Winning the Game
In this game, a team’s victory depends on guessing all their agents perfectly before the opposing team does. Anyway, there’s a catch! If a team mistakenly guesses the “assassin” card, that team loses without delay, no matter of how many agents they have identified.
Playing Online
You can play Codenames online, even if you’re not in the same place. Simply visit codenames. Game to create a room. You can set up game rules, invite friends, and even use audio or video chat to improve communication. A unique room location can be shared with your friends for easy access. Additionally, there are free webs browser versions of both the original Codenames and the two-player cooperative version called Duet available on the website, making it accessible to everyone.
Codenames is a game of strategy, teamwork, and word associations. Whether played in person or online, it’s most likely to create moments of laughter and excitement as players try to outsmart each other with their clues and guesses!
What are the rules of Codenames?
Each team has one spymaster who makes a clue to help their teammates guess the right words. They can only give one word as a descriptor and the number of tiles that the description pertains to. For example, “Water, 3” might describe “pool”, “fish”, “bucket”. Your goal in the game is to be the first team to guess all of your tiles.
What is the goal of Codenames?
The goal of the game is to identify all 15 agents in a limited number of turns without contacting too many innocent bystanders or the assassin.
How many guesses are in Codenames?
If you choose the right word to start with, then you are able to continue your guess up to the number stated by your spymaster plus one. E.g., If they said “clothing 3”, and your first guess was correct, then you can continue to guess two more codenames, and a further one if this is correct again.
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