About Jackass Card Game (Drink Game Rule & Instructions)

The Jackass Card Game is a Drink Game perfect for gatherings with friends. It mixes traditional card play with amusing drinking challenges that keep everyone on their toes. As players draw cards, they’ll encounter a range of quirky tasks and rules that add an extra layer of excitement. Whether you’re aiming for laughs or enjoying some friendly competition, this game guarantees a great time.

Jackass Rules

To play Jackass, you will need a standard deck of 52 playing cards and a group of 3 or more players. The game can be played with up to 8 players, but it is recommended to have at least 4 players for the best experience. The game is played in a clockwise direction, and players will take turns drawing cards until all have been picked.

Rules of the Jackass Card Game

To start the game, shuffle the deck of cards and deal them out evenly to all players. The player to the left of the dealer will go first and start playing cards.

Jackass Card Values and Actions

Each card drawn has specific instructions that players must follow, based on the card’s rank and suit. Here’s a breakdown of what happens with each card:

Ace to 4 (Red Cards)

The player who draws a red card must assign drinks equal to the card value to others at the table. For example, if you draw a 3 of hearts, you can make someone drink three sips.

Ace to 4 (Black Cards)

The Jackass Card Game is a Drink Game perfect for gatherings with friends. It mixes traditional card play with amusing drinking challenges that keep everyone.

When a player draws a black card, they must drink the same number of sips as the value of the card. So, drawing a 2 of spades means the player drinks two sips.

Special Cards Of Jackass Card Game

Certain cards have unique effects that add excitement to the game:


When this card is drawn, all players start drinking at the same time. The person who drew the card can stop their drink whenever they choose. However, the player to their left cannot stop drinking before the person who drew the card appears. This continues around the table, making it a challenging card to draw!


The player who draws this card must choose a category (e.g., types of candy, movie titles). Players take turns naming something from the selected category. If someone hesitates or cannot think of a valid answer, they must drink.

Bathroom Break

Drawing this card means the player can take a bathroom break. If they don’t have this card, they must hold it until it is their turn again—so plan wisely!

Power of

The player who draws this card gains a special power, the specifics of which they can create. For example, they might choose “Power of the Thumb,” where they can place their thumb on the table, forcing everyone else to do the same. The last person to follow must drink.


This card allows the player to create a new rule for the game. For starters, they could set a rule to prevent players from saying any names. Anyone who breaks the rule will have to take a drink.


On drawing this card, the player asks anyone at the table a question. The person selected cannot answer, but must forward the question to another player. This continues when someone breaks the chain by answering or laughing, resulting in a penalty drink.

Face Cards

  • Jack: When a Jack is drawn, the player can fill the center glass with as much drink as they wish. The last player to draw a Jack before their turn comes around again must drink, no matter what amount is in the glass.
  • Queen: This card dictates that all female players must take a drink.
  • King: Similarly, the King card mandates all male players to drink.
  • Joker: If a Joker is randomly chosen, the player must take a heavy drink of 10 sips.

Winning the Game

The game continues until one player has gotten rid of all their cards and becomes the “King” or “Queen” of the round. The player who becomes the “King” or “Queen” will be the dealer for the next round.


How Can I Play Jack?

Playing Jack usually involves creating specific actions related to drawing the card, such as filling a glass in a drinking game or following unique rules in other card games. It’s best to refer to the specific game rules you’re interested in.

What Are the Rules of Blackjack Card Game?

In Blackjack, the objective is to beat the dealer by having a hand value closer to 21 without going over. Number cards count at face value, face cards are worth 10, and Aces can be 1 or 11. Players are dealt two cards and can “Hit” or “Stand,” while the dealer must hit until reaching at least 17.

What Are the Rules for Jacks in Sequence Game?

In the Sequence card game, Jacks have special powers: the Jack of Hearts and Jack of Diamonds allow you to remove an opponent’s piece, while the Jack of Clubs and Jack of Spades let you place a marker on any open space on the board.

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