Clue Junior Avengers Rules & Instructions

Clue Junior: Marvel Avengers Edition is a board game that is designed for 2–6 players, aged 5 and up. The clue junior avengers game features popular Marvel superheroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel and helps children develop their detective skills while solving a mystery. The focus of the game is to figure out what Loki stole from Avengers Tower, who he tricked to steal it, and how he got away.

Clue Junior Avengers

Game Components

The game includes a game board, six hero pawns, six equipment tokens, seven white bases and seven yellow bases, a notepad, dice, a label sheet, and instructions. There are six character movers, which represent the different Marvel Avengers heroes, so children can move around the game board as their favorite character.

Clue Junior Avengers Rules

The game starts by setting up the game board, which involves laying out the board, starting with the white base without a label and the one with crumbs. To set up the board, mix the remaining six white bases face down and randomly put a character pond into each base. The players then label the bases, and dice, and decide who goes first.

Clue Junior Avengers Rules

The game is played by taking turns rolling the dice, so on each person’s turn, they have to spin the spinner and follow the die’s instructions. For example, when the die lands on yellow, look under any yellow pawn for a clue. Likewise, you can move your character pawn horizontally or vertically, but not in a diagonal position.

The players on the other end are free to change their paths as many times as their role lets them, but they cannot enter the same square twice during a single turn. Not only that, but a player may not enter or land on a square already occupied by an opponent’s piece. The winner of the Clue Marvel Avengers Junior Edition board game is the player who figures out Loki’s Big Trick.

How to Play Clue Junior Avengers Game

To play the game, players take turns rolling the dice and moving their character pawns as per the dice roll. In addition, players can look under other hero pawns and secretly look under equipment tokens for clues. As clues are found, players eliminate choices and eventually discover Loki’s plan.

How to Play Clue Junior Avengers Game

Decide Who Goes First

There are three ways to determine who goes first: you can roll the die, let the youngest player go first, or let the person who most recently ate cake or broke a toy make their move first.

Moving the Character Pawns

The players can move their character pawns horizontally or vertically on the board, but they cannot move them diagonally. It’s possible that a person can change their directions as many times as their role allows, but a player might not enter the same square twice on the same turn. Likewise, players are not allowed to enter a square that is already occupied by an opponent’s piece.

Searching Under Bases

When you search under a yellow base, cross off that equipment, and the time you see “This can’t be when Loki stole the item”. Whenever possible, cross out the equipment so you remember which rooms you’ve already checked!

When examining a white base, it is a good idea to eliminate the item that you observe, as it cannot be the item that Loki allegedly stole.

Also, cross out the hero up until you find the Loki icon. Whoever has the Loki icon tricked, players need to keep looking under heroes to figure out which item Loki stole, though.

Looking & Eliminating Choices

The players can look under other heroes pawns for clues, and they can carefully look under equipment tokens for clues. When players collect clues, they continue to eliminate choices and eventually figure out what has taken place.


The players can make up their minds about the item and check it out to see if their clue is right or not.


The winner of the game is the player who figures out Loki’s big trick. However, players can guess what they think the item is and then look at it to see if their clue is correct, and they win the game.

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