The Clue Junior Rules & Instructions (How to Play the Game)

Clue Junior is a board game for kids ages 5 and up, where players use dice to control characters, look under characters, or search through furniture for clues. Clue Jr is a kid-friendly version of the classic Clue game, where players assume the roles of detectives and try to find clues to solve a mystery.

clue junior board game for kids

Clue Junior Rules (Cluedo for Kids)

The goal of the game is to solve the mystery of the missing cake by picking up clues and coming up with guesses. The game is for 2–6 players, and the youngest player goes first. The players roll the die to move around the board to investigate for possible clues. Once the players have discovered clues to win the game, they filter out possibilities until they can identify the mystery.

clue junior rules


The Clue Junior game includes a game board, six characters, six furniture tokens, seven white bases, seven yellow bases, a detective notepad, a die, and a label sheet.

Game Levels

The game comes with a double-sided game board that has two levels of play to choose from. The first level is a cooperative game where players work together to solve a playground issue. The second level is a little more challenging and independent. The game also includes character pawns, furniture tokens, clue cards, a die, and a secret envelope for carrying the definitive answer to the mystery.

How to Play Clue Junior Board Game

To set up the game, mix the yellow bases and place one face down in the center of the board. Put a furniture token on each remaining yellow base. Shuffle the face-down white bases and place one of them face-down in the center of the board. Mix the other white bases and place a character pawn in each one. Place all the characters in their own spaces.

How to Play Clue Junior Board Game

Taking Turns

The youngest player takes the lead, and the remaining players alternate to determine who took a piece of cake, when they took it, and what they consumed with the piece of cake. When its players turn, roll the die and move the number of spaces showing along the path, following the arrows. Wherever players decide to roll a yellow, secretly pick under any furniture token. If you roll a white card, you can look next to the character for a clue. When players roll yellow, they look for clues around any yellow pawns.

Gameplay Steps

As players move around the board, they participate in sleuthing activities along the way. Players use the die to move characters, look under characters, or look under furniture for clues. As they find clues, they eliminate choices and eventually discover what happened. For example, players might have to discover who ate the cake, what time the cake was eaten, and what drink was served with the cake.

Eliminating Choices

As players find clues, they can eliminate choices. The game features classic Clue characters such as Miss Scarlett, Mrs. Peacock, and Col. Clue. Players aim to solve the mystery of the missing cake to win the Clue Junior game.

Winning the Game

To win the game, players need to guess the correct clues. The secret envelope holds the solution to the mystery. When a player correctly guesses the three cards hidden in the secret envelope, they win the game. However, if they guess wrong, they are out of the game. The other players keep playing until one of them solves the mystery or until one player remains in the game.

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