The Funemployed Rules & Cards (A Party Game by Mattel)

Funemployed is a party game for adults that involves convincing employers that you might be the best candidate for a job. The funemployed card game is suitable for parties of 3–20 people, but it works best with 5–10 players.

Funemployed Card Game by Mattel

Anthony Conta designed the game and launched it on Kickstarter in 2013. The game is more family-friendly and includes more player interaction than Cards Against Humanity.

Funemployed Cards

The game includes 320 Green Qualification Card, and 72 Black Job Cards that players use to build resumes and apply for fictional jobs. The game is hilarious and rewards creativity as players try to be convincing job candidates.

How To Play Funemployed Party Game

To play the game, players use their qualifications to role-play and act like they are in an interview, telling stories of why their qualifications make them the best fit for a job. The person with the highest amount of job cards at the final stage of the game is the winner. 

Funemployed card game

The jobs players can apply for are fictional, like astronaut, lawyer, or priest, and the qualifications are unreal, such as the ability to speak panda, being a dragon, or having a DeLorean.

Initially, a single player acts as the employer, who takes one of the job cards, and each player then gets four qualifications. The employer also gets as many qualifications as there are players. Then, each player gets a chance to make a pitch on why they would be good for the role.

Funemployed Rules (A Party Game by Mattel)

Funemployed is a hilarious party game by Mattel where players try to get hired for genuine jobs using unreal qualifications. In this game, players must talk their way into getting hired by the employer. 

Funemployed rules

Here are the rules for the Funemployed card game:

To set up the game, shuffle the Qualification Cards (320 in total) and the Job Cards (72 in total) separately and place them face-down in two separate piles. After that, set up all the Job Cards on the table in the play area and set up a large pile of Qualification Cards to the left of the play area.


You can select one player to start the game as the Employer. Everyone else starts as an Applicant. The Employer deals with the Qualification Cards and applicants get four cards for each of them. 
As a result, the Employer gets several Qualification Cards equal to the number of applicants. For example, if there are five Applicants, the Employer gets five cards.

Taking turns

The game proceeds in rounds, and each round comprises the following steps:

  1. The Employer turns over ten Qualification Cards, face up, in the center of the play area. 
  2. The Employer reveals the top Job Card and places it in front of them. This is the job the Applicants are applying for this round.
  3.  Everyone at the table (including the Employer) gets a couple of minutes to switch out their cards with ones in the play area. 
  4. The Applicants are “building their resumes”, while the Employer is building a hand of cards as a “question” for the players.
  5. Players use their qualifications to create a story about why they are the best candidates for the job. They have one minute to come up with their pitch.
  6. Each player can explain why they believe they would be a good fit for the role. For example, they could tell the story of why their qualifications make them the best fit for the job, or role-play and act on their skills.
  7. The employer selects one job card from the job pile and reads it out loud to the group. Players take turns pitching their qualifications to the employer, who chooses the best candidate based on their pitch. The player who gets the job card keeps it as a point.
  8. When a winning person is “hired”, discard all the cards, and the Employer role moves a position to the next one. 
  9. The game continues until all job cards have been used, with the next player assuming the role of the employer. If a player cannot use any of their qualification cards, they can discard them and draw a new card.

Number of Rounds

The game allows for playing in rounds or until all job cards have been used. The instructions recommend over two rounds for 3–6 players and one round for six or more players.

Winning the Game

In the end, the player who gets the highest amount of job cards wins the game.

  • For 3 to 6 players, the player with the most Job Cards after two rounds wins! 
  • For 6 or more players, the player with the most Job Cards after 1 round wins!

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