The UNO Cards (All UNO Cards Meaning With Pictures)

UNO is a cards matching card game that contain 112 cards of 76 Numbered cards, 8 Skip cards, 8 Reverse cards, 8 Draw 2 cards, 4 Wild cards, 4 Wild Draw 4 cards, and some additional cards like Blank Cards, Swap Hands cards, and Shuffle Hands cards. The special action cards in uno are divided into four colors of red, blue, green, and yellow.

all uno cards

All UNO Cards Meaning

The standard deck of UNO Cards contain 76 numbered cards from 0 to 9 numbers written on them, the 24 action cards include 8 skip, 8 draw 2, and 8 reverse cards and the special cards include 4 wild, 4 draw 4, and 4 blank cards. Here is the UNO cards list of 112 cards in total:

  • 76 number cards
  • 8 skip cards
  • 8 draw 2 cards
  • 8 reverse cards
  • 4 wild cards
  • 4 wild draw four cards
  • 4 blank cards

And then some additional cards in uno that are used for custom rules like house rules:

  • Wild Swap Hands card
  • Wild Shuffle Hands card
  • 3 Wild Customizable cards
UNO Card Game
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UNO Cards Points

The UNO card points are the points used to calculate to reach 500 points and win the game. The points are calculated according to the cards remaining in players hands when the round ends and the player with the lowest card points out of 500 points is the winner of the game.

Here are the UNO scoring points for each type of cards:

  • The number cards contain card face value points
  • Draw 2 cards contain 20 value points
  • Reverse cards contain 20 value points
  • Skip card contains 20 value points
  • Wild cards contain 50 value points
  • Wild draw 4 cards contain 50 value points
  • Shuffle Hands card contain 40 value points
  • Swap Hands card contain 40 value points
  • Customizable cards contain 40 value points
  • Blank cards contain custom points

All UNO Card Meanings With Pictures

UNO card game can be played with two to a maximum of ten players with a standard uno pack of cards and instructions to play the uno game. As we above discussed the uno pack comes with 112 cards and four blank cards used to make your own house rules, you can write or make any rule you want to use in the game.

All UNO Card Meanings With Pictures

UNO Cards Rules and Meanings

The Number Cards

There are 76 number cards in UNO with the number 0 to 9 written on them in four colors red, blue, green, and yellow. The number cards are basic cards that have card face points like the number 5 card contains 5 points, you can play number cards with any other number card by matching with the number or color of the card from the face down card of the draw pile. for example, if your previous card played is a green 5 card, you can either play any green card from 0 to 9 or a number 5 card of any color from the discard pile.

uno number card

Skip Cards

There are 8 skip cards in the uno deck, where skip cards are used to make the next player skip his turn and his turn ends. The skip cards can be played with only with skip cards OR any card of the matching color of the skip card played and at the beginning of the play if any player picks a card and the card is a skip card, the player to the left of the dealer turn is skipped and the next player plays.

uno skip card

Reverse Cards

There are 8 reverse cards in uno in each of four colors, when players play a reverse card it reverses the game direction and the game continues going in reverse direction. If you play a reverse card the next player’s turn ends and the previous player again plays and the play continues and players can play the reverse card on another reverse card on any card of the same matching color.

uno reverse card

Draw Two Cards

There are 8 wild draw two cards in uno and their cards have +2 written on them. When any player plays a wild +2 card the next player takes 2 cards and his turn ends. This card makes the next player draw two cards from the draw pile and if the first playable card is draw 2 card the first player draws two cards and the play continues as usual.

Wild Draw Two Card

Wild Cards

There are 4 wild cards in uno of each in four different colors and the wild card is a special action card that can be played on any card of any color. The wild card lets players play a Wild card even if they have another playable card in their hand and in the start of play if the top card is a wild card the person to the left of the dealer chooses the color of the card to begin the play and plays his first card.

uno wild card

Draw 4 Cards

There are 4 wild draw four cards in uno each in four different colors and the wild draw 4 card has +4 written on them. This card allows players to pick 4 cards from the draw pile to call the next color played and forfeit their turn. But players can only play this card when they don’t have a card that matches the color of the previously played card and the first card is a +4 card at the beginning of the play, player returns this card to the deck and picks another card and the play continues.

uno draw four card

Blank Cards

There are 4 blank cards in uno and these cards are wild card with blank spaces on them to write custom house rules on them. The blank cards are used in one of these two ways, you can use a blank card as a replacement card if any card from your deck is lost or damaged and this card works the same as the replacement card OR If you want to add any custom rules for more fun and enjoyment in the game, you just need to write the rules on it.

UNO Blank Card

Shuffle Hands Card

There is only 1 Wild Shuffle Hands card in the uno deck, and this card has a hand shuffling sign on it. This card can be played in any color, and the color of the card attached to it can decide how play continues. After playing, the shuffle hand card collects all cards from player’s hand and shuffles them together to mix them properly.

Then, again give each player equal cards and the player to the left of the person that played it starts the turn, if the starting card is shuffled hands card at the beginning of play then the player to the left of the dealer has to choose the color of card that begins the play.

UNO Shuffle Hands Card

Swap Hands Card

There is only 1 wild swap hands card in uno and this card has a swapping cards hand symbol on it. The swap hands card is used to swap your cards in your hands with the player of your choice and this card can be played on the card with any color.

You can use this card to swap your cards with the player who has the least number of cards in their hands and your turn ends, and you are not allowed to play any card and if the starting playable card is swapped hands card, the first player to start the game chooses the color of the card to play and also swap his hands with another player of his choice.

Wild Swap Hands Card

Customizable Card

There are 3 wild customizable cards in uno and these cards are blank cards and the same rules are applied used for blank cards also called “uno house rules” and the player who plays this card chooses the color of the card to play as the next card. You can use any cards from these cards in your game but first confirm that every player agrees to the house rules written on them.


How many cards are in Uno?

A standard deck of Uno has 108 cards, including 25 of each colour and 19 number cards. In recent years, Mattel introduced new Wild cards, including Wild Swap Hands, Wild Shuffle Hands, and three Wild Customizable cards.

What do the special cards mean in uno?

UNO includes special action cards like draw 2, draw 4, skip, reverse, and wild cards. The Draw 2 card forces the next player to draw 2 cards and lose their turn. The Reverse card changes the direction of play. The Skip card leads to the next player to lose their turn.

What are Uno card points?

The Wild card is worth 50 points and is the most powerful card in the game. The Wild Draw 4 card is also worth 50 points. There are two other Wild cards, the Wild Shuffle Hands and the Wild Customizable, each worth 40 points. These special cards make Uno fun and exciting to play.

How many cards do you deal in uno?

In Uno, each player gets equally seven cards at the start of the game face down. The remaining cards form the draw pile. After turning over the top card of the draw pile to start the discard pile, the player to the left of the dealer plays first.

How many cards in Uno for each player?

In the card game Uno, each player gets seven cards at the beginning of the game to start the round. The remaining cards will go face down in the middle of the table to form the draw pile, and the top card is picked up each time to play a card from the discard pile. 

How many of each color cards are in an uno deck?

A standard Uno deck has 112 cards, including 25 cards of each color (red, blue, green, and yellow), and 2 Draw 4 cards, 2 Draw 2 cards, 2 Reverse cards, 2 Skip cards, and 4 blank cards.

7 thoughts on “The UNO Cards (All UNO Cards Meaning With Pictures)”

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